Guardian 2.0 Interior Waterproofing Sump Drop image

Guardian 2.0 Interior Waterproofing Sump Drop

The Guardian 2.0 was designed to be both easy to install and effective long-term in keeping homes dry. It’s a waterproofing system designed to collect water where it occurs – right at the wall/floor/footing joint and cause the least amount of disruption to the slab. One of its best features is its modular design because not all foundations are laid out the same.

It’s not uncommon for homes and businesses to have more than one sump pump. Sometimes these pumps are in the same location, but how do you channel water into multiple pumps when they aren’t? That is the beauty of The Guardian 2.0 Interior Waterproofing System, its modular construction. Our system is designed with this possible scenario in mind, so we offer Guardian 2.0 Sump Drops for individual purchases.

No two basements are the same, and neither should the waterproofing channel layouts. This is why we have taken The Guardian 2.0 Interior Waterproofing System and offered individual pieces for separate sale, so we can provide you with excellent products and keep your overall costs down.

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Guardian 2.0 Interior Waterproofing Sump Drop image


Need additional Guardian 2.0 Interior Waterproofing Sump Drops? When it comes to providing affordable and straightforward solutions for your clients, Nash Distribution knows that not every job is going to be one-size-fits-all. That is why we offer contractors like you individual parts and pieces to some of our most popular waterproofing systems, such as The Guardian 2.0 Interior Waterproofing System.

Key Benefits

  • HDPE construction for durability and long life
  • Easy installation into both channel and sump systems
  • Made in the U.S.A
  • Can be custom ordered in a choice of color (Minimum order required

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